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- 10 print"form 1040a calculator"
- 20 print"copyright 1986 cheryl peterson"
- 30 print"print an instruction list for filling out 1040a when finished?"
- 40 input"y[146]es or n[146]o";q$
- 45 if q$<>"y"then90
- 50 input"to s[146]creen or p[146]rinter";q2$
- 90 rem input statements
- 100 input"how many exemptions are you claiming";x
- 200 input"income from w-2 forms";w
- 300 input"interest collected this year";i
- 400 input"dividends collected this year";d
- 500 input"exclusions";e
- 600 input"taxable unemployment compensation";u
- 700 input"contributions to politicians this year";p
- 800 input"federal income tax withheld";f
- 900 input"earned income credit";c
- 1100 gosub 2100
- 1140 print"[147]"
- 1150 print"enter ";gi;"on line 10 of the tax form."
- 1160 print"enter ";x2;"on line 11 of the tax form."
- 1170 print"enter ";tn;"on line 12 of the tax form."
- 1200 print"look up the amount of taxes due"
- 1210 print"on $";tn;"in the tax tables."
- 1300 input"taxes due according to table";td
- 1400 input"advanced earned income credit";a
- 1500 gosub 2600
- 1550 print"[147]"
- 1560 if q2$<>"p"and q$<>"n"then gosub 1930
- 1570 if q2$="p" then gosub 1921
- 1600 if tp>tt then r=tp-tt
- 1650 if tp=tt then 1800
- 1660 if tp<tt then 1900
- 1700 print"your total refund is $";r
- 1710 print"enter this amount on line 17."
- 1797 if cl<>1 then 1799
- 1798 print#4:close4
- 1799 end
- 1800 print"you seem to have come out even."
- 1810 print"enter 0 on lines 17 and 18."
- 1897 if cl<>1 then 1799
- 1898 print#4:close4
- 1899 end
- 1900 r=tt-tp
- 1910 print"you owe the government $";r
- 1915 print"enter this amount on line 18."
- 1917 if cl<>1 then 1799
- 1918 print#4:close4
- 1920 end
- 1921 if q$<>"y"then return
- 1922 open4,4:cmd4
- 1930 print"fill out questions 1-5 as appropriate."
- 1931 print"enter";x;"in box number 6."
- 1932 print"enter";w;"in box number 7."
- 1940 print"enter";i;"in box number 8a."
- 1941 print"enter";d;"in box number 8b."
- 1942 print"enter";z;"in box number 8c."
- 1943 print"enter";e;"in box number 8d."
- 1944 print"enter";y;"in box number 8e."
- 1955 print"enter";gi;"in box number 10."
- 1960 print"enter";x2;"in box number 11."
- 1965 print"enter";tn;"in box number 12."
- 1970 print"enter";p;"in box number 13a."
- 1971 print"enter";f;"in box number 13b."
- 1972 print"enter";c;"in box number 13c."
- 1975 print"enter";tp;"in box number 14."
- 1980 print"enter";td;"in box number 15a."
- 1985 print"enter";a;"in box number 15b."
- 1990 print"enter";tt;"in box number 16."
- 1997 if q2$="p" then cl=1
- 1998 return
- 1999 end
- 2000 rem computations
- 2100 z=i+d:y=z-e:if y<0 then y=0
- 2200 gi=w+y+u
- 2300 x2=1000*x
- 2400 tn=gi-x2
- 2500 tp=p+f+c
- 2550 return
- 2600 tt=td+a
- 2700 return